Thank you for taking interest in my work!

A number of the presented drawings and paintings are for sale.

Prices vary depending on the sizes of the works, from NOK 7500 to NOK 40 000 (US$ 795 to 4242 - EUR 708 to 3775 - June 2020).

Shipping rates and fees may vary depending on the delivery address for your order. For the exact price and shipping details for a certain artwork, please send me an e-mail .

Some of the installations and photographic works are also for sale on spesial conditions.

By appointment I gladly receive visitors in my studio to see original works.

If you wish to order art in formats not available on this site, please contact me for a possible order. In relations to bigger purchases, I can offer a test hanging in your home / location. (Only locations in Bergen and the surrounding areas or by individual agreements).

Please contact me for further information.